Portrait & Lifestyle Photography

A portrait or photo can bring a completely new dimension to your appearance! From the ancient ages, humans have had a craving to get their own portraits done- which used to capture the myriad moods of a person and the bodily gestures. I guess all of us have seen portraits of kings, famous personalities or celebrities. Cut to the modern era, nowadays you can even get that same portrait effect in photography too, and the result is the same or rather better. The same gravity of the moment is brought out in these portrait photographs, through the combination of shade and color. The only difference- it can be done in a much simpler and convenient way.


While talking about portraits, mention also needs to be made about lifestyle photography. Both of these are somewhat related to each other. The main concept or objective of lifestyle photos is to portray the character or object of the image amidst a real life situation (in a controlled or natural setting). The lighting depends on the type of situation that the character is into. After the photo is taken, necessary adjustments are made to enhance the affect. In fact according to most professional photographers in Norwich, taking lifestyle photographs offers immense scope for creativity and skill.


In this business world, portrait and lifestyle photography is also being used in various types of promotional and advertising campaigns. They can be a great way to lure people, create that sense of interest and build prospective customers. With the mix of light and shade, the photographer is able to produce some of the best images which can be masterpieces in their own form. 


Portrait and lifestyle photography, if done with care, professionalism and finesse can prove to be both commercially and creatively fruitful. If you have an eye for photography, these genres can really be your cup of tea.